Flower Arranging and Design Sussex Newsletter – June 2024

This newsletter should be for the month of Flaming June, but as I write this, it is more likely to be the  ‘Flaming Wet June’.  Well, at least the papers now suggest we won’t need a hosepipe ban!

However, to lighten the weather, please take a look at the latest Area Newsletter Sussex Area of NAFAS Newsletter June 2024 _ which contains a variety of information, from the Judges Forum – an away day for competitors and Area Judges – to the latest news from the Sussex Kidney Trust and recent AGM.   Read too, the winning caption to last month’s amazing photo of Gaynor and Sue Seath and see this month’s competition photo.

Lastly, as ever, if you have any articles or photographs from club events or for future events, please send them to the Newsletter Editor, Duncan, at info@boxworthflowers.com

Visit your local flower club

If you love flowers and are interested in flower arranging, why not visit your local flower club? Just come and meet new people, enjoy yourselves and learn a bit about flower arranging; visitors are always warmly welcomed. Details of all the clubs may be found on the 'Flower Clubs' page.

Visit our Flower Clubs Page