Code of Practice



  1. All parts of the Blue Form either in paper or electronic format must be returned promptly showing Day and Date in writing
  2. This Agreement does not constitute a binding contract until Form C has been signed and returned to the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher. It is important that all relevant information be stated and adhered to by both Club and Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher
  3. It is important that two Club Officers’ addresses with telephone, preferably mobile, numbers are supplied on the Blue Form
  4. Allowance for Flowers/Materials – An indication should be given when the initial booking is made. A proportion of the allowance can be set against garden plant material. The agreed allowance should not be exceeded without prior agreement, full reimbursement should not be automatically expected
  5. If a Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher is VAT Registered, then VAT is payable on the total account
  6. The Indemnity Clause, addendum to Part B, must accompany Blue Forms
  7. If the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher has agreed to judge the monthly competition, the title should be given in advance and adequate time allowed for judging
  8. Special Requirements – To prevent misunderstandings, if anything abnormal is requested, a covering letter should always be sent
  9. Accommodation – Private house or good class hotel, preferably with off street parking, should be agreed in advance with the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher
  10. Advance settlement by Club of hotel accounts avoids embarrassment
  11. Ensure adequate refreshments are always offered to the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher


  • Ascertain time of arrival and reserve parking space
  • Ensure change available to pay any parking fees
  • Assist with unloading and re-loading. Adequate strong helpers required
  • Offer refreshment and identify locations of cloakroom/dressing room
  • Unless help is requested, leave Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher to prepare in peace
  • Any electrical equipment should be in situ and tested prior to the arrival of the
  • Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher. Identify location of any electrical sockets and light switches


  1. Ensure that all committee members have a copy of this leaflet and are fully aware of these requirements
  2. Ensure help is on hand if requested by Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher
  3. Give notices about NAFAS, Area and Club
  4. Research information to introduce the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher
  5. Organise the Vote of Thanks
  6. If necessary supply suitable wrapping for raffle prizes
  7. At end of meeting organise helpers – some Demonstrators/Speakers/Teachers prefer to dismantle their own arrangements, but all are very grateful for plenty of helpers to re-load the vehicle
  8. At night, if the vehicle is parked away from the venue, someone should always accompany the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher and wait to check that the vehicle starts
  9. Chairman to be on hand to say farewell and thank you to the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher


THREE WEEKS BEFORE – Reminder Phone Call and Letter/Email to include:

  • Name, address and telephone number of Programme Secretary (change may have occurred since initial booking)
  • Send a map and confirmation of venue location and (postcode) and identify any major road works or changes since booking. Tolls and parking fees to be paid by the Club
  • Confirm day, date, time, venue and title and agreed time for gaining entry into hall. Full address and telephone number/mobile number of the venue, together with instructions for parking
  • Stage size and layout
  • Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher must be advised if audience numbers vary from the original estimation
  • Name, address and directions to overnight accommodation
  • The agreed allowance for flowers and materials. Provision and supply of foliage, if requested
  • ALL PARTIES MUST HAVE their mobile phones switched on
  • If a monthly competition is to be judged, titles and expected number of entries

Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher should acknowledge receipt of this letter promptly, confirming that all details are correct and understood

Driving conditions are becoming increasingly hazardous and having a travelling companion is a sensible precaution. Due consideration should be given to this by all Demonstrators/Speakers/Teachers. Please refer to the Extreme Weather Conditions Guidelines on the NAFAS website

The Club should extend the courtesy of light refreshments for both Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher and companion

The Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher should advise the Club beforehand of the possibility of an accompanying companion. The Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher is responsible for any meals and overnight accommodation for the companion



The Blue Form constitutes a binding contract and both parties may, if unavoidable, withdraw from the commitment without obligation up to six months prior to the meeting

Within six months of the meeting, the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher is expected to find substitute(s) of equal standing

Clubs may decline the substitute(s) but are then responsible themselves for finding a replacement

If a Club cancels a meeting within six months, any fees and expenses incurred are the responsibility of the Club, subject to negotiation



  • Is the stage in place and clear? Are there any obstructions on stage that the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher should note?
  • Is the layout of stage as required? Are the correct number of tables available?
  • Is a microphone to be used? Is it radio, clip, headset or stand type? If necessary do you have a spare battery?
  • Is the lighting adequate? What type? spot or floodlights? May candles and special effects be used and inform Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher of any changes
  • If the background is ‘busy’ – are plain portable fabric screens available?
  • Water may be required – are tap and buckets available? You may need permission to use water on stage
  • Hall should be booked with sufficient time for the Demonstrator/Speaker/Teacher to prepare, perform and repack. Preparation time is, on average, for Club meetings approximately 1-2 hours, however, for Open Meetings allow anything between 2 and 5 hours

NAFAS policy regarding postings on Social Media:

‘NAFAS recommends that permission must be sought from the designer and the event organiser prior to any images being posted on social media.’


Visit your local flower club

If you love flowers and are interested in flower arranging, why not visit your local flower club? Just come and meet new people, enjoy yourselves and learn a bit about flower arranging; visitors are always warmly welcomed. Details of all the clubs may be found on the 'Flower Clubs' page.

Visit our Flower Clubs Page