‘Flower Arranging and Design Sussex’ is the operational name of the Sussex Area of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies and is one of the 21 Areas which make up the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.
If you love flowers and are interested in flower arranging, why not visit your local flower club? Just come and meet new people, enjoy yourselves and learn a bit about flower arranging; visitors are always warmly welcomed. Details of all the clubs may be found on the 'Flower Clubs' page.
Visit our Flower Clubs PageHappy New Year! Another year and another newsletter full of forthcoming information around the Sussex Flower Clubs. The Chairman and…
Another month, another newsletter: this one is full of Area activity with a Club Officers’ Forum, Council meeting and the…
Welcome to the 50th edition of the Flower Arranging and Design Newsletter, edited by Duncan Ward. Congratulations! As I write,…
'Where flowers bloom so does hope'
Lady Bird Johnson
If you love flowers and are interested in flower arranging, why not visit your local flower club? Just come and meet new people, enjoy yourselves and learn a bit about flower arranging; visitors are always warmly welcomed. Details of all the clubs may be found on the 'Flower Clubs' page.
Visit our Flower Clubs Page